All contracts involving Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. (incl. variations of the name) and discussions related to awarded contracts, upcoming tenders and partnerships
Records including briefing notes, reports, presentations and correspondence relating to changes to ABC appointment process, including the two new full-time positions (Date Range for Record Search: From 10/31/2023 To 05/07/2024)
Final briefing notes and correspondence at the executive director level and above regarding Canada Health Transfer deductions resulting from patient charges
How many rebates have been paid out thru the Electrify Rebate Program, in particular for E-bicycles, what business and how many rebates have they accessed, what brands and models have been sold in NS to access the rebates
DPW Policies and Procedures Manual; copy of policy # PO1105 Private Road Maintenance and any other policies/documents relating to non and maintenance of private roads.