I would like a copy of the document called or referred to as "job aide" which contains information related to conditions and classifications of driver's licenses (referenced by RMV Customer Service Representative during telephone conversation on Feb 25
Internal reports created in response to the death of Clayton Cromwell, at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility on April 7, 2014 and e-mails for a one year period afterwards.
Any records that pertain to the risk of Occupational Exposure of the Intervention in relation to any of the vaccines administered under a clinical trial to any Nova Scotia government employee or health care worker.
Correspondence in the past year (December 17, 2017 - December 17, 2018) between officials at Tourism NS and the Dept. of Health regarding ticks and Lyme disease
Any and all briefing records (hard copy and electronic) pertaining to matters connected to South Shore Regional Centre for Education and Mahone Bay's Bayview School. Timeframe is between September 15, 2018 and December 10, 2018, inclusive. Amended February 27.
NS Income Assistance for the work incentive. stats and data around Investment Income and Spousal Support Payments; allowable liquid assets and case payment per case of the following CPP, Disability Benefits, GIS, OAS, WCB, EI
All briefing materials, presentations, scans or analysis, and correspondence Deputy Minister level and above, including the Minister and Special Advisors, regarding palliative care drug program between September 1, 2021 and November 14, 2022.